VEMIRT is created to assist researchers to conduct exploratory and confirmatory multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) analysis and cooresponding item differential functioning (DIF) analysis. The core computation engine of VEMIRT is a family of Gaussian Variational EM algorithms that are considerably more efficient than currently available algorithms in other software packages, especially when the number of latent factors exceeds four.
Identifying the number of factors
identifies the number of factors via parallel analysis.
Exploratory factor analysis
conducts M2PL Analysis with post-hoc rotation (Promax & CF-Quartimax)E2PL_gvem_lasso
conducts M2PL Analysis with Lasso penaltyE2PL_gvem_adaptlasso
conducts M2PL Analysis with adaptive Lasso penaltyE2PL_iw
conducts importance sampling to correct bias for M2PL analysisE3PL_sgvem_rot
conducts stochastic GVEM to further improve the computational effficiency for exploratory M3PL analysisE3PL_sgvem_lasso
conducts M3PL Analysis with Lasso penaltyE3PL_sgvem_adaptlasso
conducts M3PL Analysis with adaptive Lasso penaltyMGRM_gvem
conducts GVEM for the multidimensional graded response model with post-hoc rotationMGPCM_gvem
conducts GVEM for the multidimensional partial credit model with post-hoc rotation
Confirmatory factor analysis
conducts GVEM for confirmatory M2PL analysisC2PL_bs
conducts bootstrap sampling to correct bias and produce standard errors for confirmatory M2PL analysisC2PL_iw
conducts importance sampling to correct bias for M2PL analysisC2PL_iw2
conducts IW-GVEM for confirmatory M2PL analysis (alternative implementation toC2PL_iw
conducts stochastic GVEM for confirmatory M3PL analysisMGRM_gvem
conducts GVEM for the multidimensional graded response modelMGPCM_gvem
conducts GVEM for the multidimensional partial credit model
Differential item functioning analysis
conducts DIF analysis for M2PL models using EM algorithmsD2PL_pair_em
conducts DIF analysis for 2PL models using EM algorithms with group pairwise truncated \(L_1\) penaltyD2PL_gvem
conducts DIF analysis for M2PL models using GVEM algorithmsD2PL_lrt
conducts DIF analysis for M2PL models using the likelihood ratio test
Shiny app for VEMIRT
Run the shiny app for VEMIRT
Maintainer: Weicong Lyu (ORCID)
Yijun Cheng (ORCID)
Jiaying Xiao (ORCID)
Ruoyi Zhu (ORCID)
Gongjun Xu (ORCID)
Chun Wang (ORCID)